“Оюунлаг” сургуулийн 6-р ангийн сурагчдын “Үндэсний бичгийн цагаан толгойн баяр” 6-р сарын 4-ний 13.00 цагаас болно. Сурагчид үндэсний бичгээрээ уншиж,…

2024.05.30-ны өдөр I ангийн бяцхан сурагчид маань англи хэлний хичээлээр сурсан мэдсэнээ эцэг эх, асран хамгаалагч, ах эгч, багш, үе…

“Оюунлаг” сургуулийн “Хаврын спорт өдөрлөг” 8 дугаар ангийн тамирчдын маань өрсөлдөөнөөр үргэлжиллээ. 3х3 сагсан бѳмбѳг, Буухиа мод дамжуулах, нэг цагаригнаас…

2024.05.30-ы Пүрэв гарагт I ангийн сурагчдын маань англи хэлний хичээлээр сурсан мэдсэнээ эцэг эх, асран хамгаалагчид, ах эгч, үе тэнгийн…

In the 20th International Geography Olympiad /IGEO-2024/, which will be held in Dublin, the capital of Ireland, in August 2024, 11B students...

Great Equinox Day of Buddha 2024-05-23.

The students of our school successfully participated in the "Kangaroo-2024" International Mathematics Olympiad and won 3 gold medals, 4 silver medals, 10 bronze medals, 25 II degree diplomas,...

During the weekend between 18.05.2024 and 02.06.2024, guardians of students of classes I-XI of "Oyunlag" school will meet with the class leader and professional teachers...

"Spring Sports Day" of "Oyunlag" school continued with the competition of our 5th grade athletes. Relay logs, from one ring to another ring…

Natural sciences are rich and important subjects that develop logical thinking and analytical skills. Study and analyze these important subjects with interest…

B. Tsetseehen, a student of grade 6B, in the 10-11 age category of the "Piano Lovers" national competition for junior pianists organized by the Mongolian Piano Lovers Association...

H. Batzul, a student of the 8th grade, won the silver medal at the Obuda cup held in Hungary. Sofia cup bronze in Sofia, Bulgaria...

Mr. Club striker, 12b student B. Tsesodshirav Achievements since the beginning of 2024 1. DARKHAN CUP-2024.01.11. Multi-City Championship…

On May 10, 2024, our high school students received their psychology course "CERTIFICATE". Our school 2021-2022...