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We will create an intelligent future
We develop our students from 1st grade through foreign language, IT programming, sports, arts and crafts , music , social and science clubs .
Skilled team
Our school has a total of 140 teachers, including 30 foreign teachers, who are experts in teaching methods and are waiting for a friendly staff.
Fully equipped primary, middle and 2 high school buildings with smart screens in every classroom as well as IT, Chemistry, Biology labs, Steam, AR & VR classrooms.
Success relay
"Oyuunlag" school topped the 2023 EES with average score. In the last 3 years, we have strengthened our success and appreciated our hard work.
Professional teachers
years of experience
GPA average score
Foreign teacher and educator
Our intellectual success
Since our school was founded in 1999 , we have been providing stable and accessible services in the field of education in the field of education and the leading quality of education for children .
Tuition fees

9.5 million ₮

all classes of the year
Backlog Repetition
68 types of circles
Study books and textbooks
of the day
Elementary class: 1-5 6000₮
Middle class 6-9 7000₮
Senior class 10-12 8000₮
of the day
9000₮ for both sides
4500₮ per way
Our curriculum
We always work to ensure the safety and comfort of our students .
It 's the right time for everyone .
Around the mind
Clear Filters

“Оюунлаг” сургуулийн 6-р ангийн сурагчдын “Үндэсний бичгийн цагаан толгойн баяр” 6-р сарын 4-ний 13.00 цагаас болно. Сурагчид үндэсний бичгээрээ уншиж,…

2024.05.30-ны өдөр I ангийн бяцхан сурагчид маань англи хэлний хичээлээр сурсан мэдсэнээ эцэг эх, асран хамгаалагч, ах эгч, багш, үе…

“Оюунлаг” сургуулийн “Хаврын спорт өдөрлөг” 8 дугаар ангийн тамирчдын маань өрсөлдөөнөөр үргэлжиллээ. 3х3 сагсан бѳмбѳг, Буухиа мод дамжуулах, нэг цагаригнаас…

2024.05.30-ы Пүрэв гарагт I ангийн сурагчдын маань англи хэлний хичээлээр сурсан мэдсэнээ эцэг эх, асран хамгаалагчид, ах эгч, үе тэнгийн…

1st and 2nd place in the course

The 2nd building of the intelligent school has a capacity of 372-380 children and is intended for students of the 1st-3rd grades.

The classrooms include: classrooms equipped with 100-inch smart boards, Istream, VR & AR labs, chess, music room, gym, aerobics, outside dance hall, outside gym area, changing room, Oyunlag store" store, cafeteria, teacher's room, and a play area for students on each floor, which is fully equipped with modern learning technology, provides a healthy, safe, and comfortable learning environment for students.

The 1st building of the intelligent school is a facility for students of grades 4-12 with a capacity of 1200 students. The classrooms are equipped with the latest IT technology and software, high-speed Internet, server rooms, VR & AR labs, chess rooms, Chinese language rooms, art rooms, music rooms, art rooms, classrooms and laboratories for science courses. , a gymnasium, an aerobics room, a fitness room, a dance hall, a cafeteria, a vending machine, a teacher's room, a wardrobe, and a rest area for students on each floor, which are fully equipped with modern learning technology, provide healthy, safe, and comfortable learning conditions for students. will be a school intended to be formed.

Our graduates successfully passed the IELTS, TOEFL and SAT exams
In the average country of IEP for three years
14 trillion ₮
Amount of scholarships for admission to foreign universities
Total students
Total graduate
GPA average score
Round, Sect
Frequently asked questions
Here are some frequently asked questions .

Registration of students enrolled in the 1st grade of the 2024-2025 academic year will continue until 03.03.2024 .

In the 2023-2024 academic year, there will be no additional enrollment in grades 2-12 .

Phone: (+976) 75755050 , (+976) 88113096 , (+976) 88113097
Address: 1st school building : 43-3, 13th district, 15th district, Oyuunlag School
2nd place of the course: 47-1, 13th district, District 18, Oyuunlag School, southeast of the wrestling house

The tuition fee for the preparatory class is 800,000 tugo
One-year tuition for grades 1-12 is 9,500,000 MNT.
Download the smart app and get the information you need on time .