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Oyunlag school – Student research төсөл амжилттай үргэлжилж байна

Starting from the 2019-2020 school year, Oyunlag School will determine the basic natural and natural data, behavior, psychological characteristics, communication characteristics and skills of each student through an internationally recognized and certified test in order to open up the opportunity to use them appropriately in the environment of family and school relationships. "Student research" project has been started.
Therefore, this "Student research-Oyunlag school" project test was carried out in cooperation with "Genetic Test-Mongolia" "Best Education Academy", a detailed report of the genetic results of the students of the I-XII grades, and a brief genetic report of the students of the IX-XI grades. , career choice research continues successfully.
Just as it is easy to follow a path if you find your way, by getting to know more about your child, you will be able to understand each other, openly discuss everything in your heart, understand and communicate properly with your child, and so on. Also, it is important to give the school teachers the opportunity to learn about the natural basic data about the individual child's interests, such as the child's cognitive characteristics, knowledge acquisition attitude data, personality characteristics of social relationships, and career choice.
Introduction to genetic testing:
For more information on genetic test results reporting

Make an appointment at .
We would like to express our gratitude to all the parents who always support our work by getting intelligent and truthful information about their children.

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