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 "Kangaroo" international mathematics competition, which is held every year as a tradition , in the categories of 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12 in all secondary schools of general education throughout Mongolia, March 18, 2018 took place on A few days ago, the results of the Kangaroo race were released Our students of "Oyunlag" secondary school have reaped a rich harvest of successful awards. Our intelligent school students:

Gold medal 12

Silver medal 21

Bronze medal 15

I degree diploma 48

II degree diploma 32

III degree diploma 45 until

We would like to thank our mathematics teachers for successfully preparing their students for many days in this prestigious competition.


Math Kangaroo Olympiad In the early 1980s, Australian mathematician and educator Peter Holloran organized a math competition in his home country . Features of this competition:

– Problems are multiple-choice test tasks

It differed from the traditional math olympiad in two ways: answers are corrected by computer ( without human intervention ), and many students' materials are corrected in a short period of time .

The number of students participating in the competition increased each year, and by the mid-1980s more than 500,000 Australian students were participating.

In 1991, French mathematician Andre Deledicq and Pierre Boudine, based on the experience of the above competition, organized it in France, and this time 120,000 students participated. They named the competition as the " Kangaroo " competition , paying tribute to the people of Australia .

In June 1993, the French organizers of the Kangaroo Race organized a "Rendezvous of European Countries" in Paris. Eight countries participated in the meeting. (France, Belarus, Hungary, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Spain)

In June 1994, the international association "Kengourou sans frontieres" was established with 10 European countries . This association decided to hold a meeting every year to discuss the theme of the "Kangaroo" competition, the date of the competition in all countries , the duration of the competition, and the prize.


     Doctor of Mathematics M. Itgam applied to the International Federation and officially obtained the right to participate in the Olympiad, which is one of the Olympiads that children who are interested in mathematics all over Mongolia want to participate in .


Students who won gold medals and I degrees

12th grade student U. Zolboo

12b grade student S. Dolgoen

O. Nomuluun, 5th grade student

5b grade student N. Anudary

3a student B. Michel

3a grade student E. Munkh-Ochir

3rd grade student Ch. Arya

3rd grade student E. Elbeg

3rd grade student A. Erhes

3rd grade student B. Bayarkhu

3rd grade student B. Lhagvasuren

3rd grade student O. Michidmaa

Students who won silver medals and I degrees

3a grade student E. Gunbileg

Ts. Maralmaa, 3rd grade student

3a grade student G. Yesui

3rd grade student O. Purevdorj

3rd grade student E. Amarbayasgalan

3rd grade student N. Khongorzul

3rd grade student G. Naranzun

B. Anand, a student of 3rd grade

3rd grade student B. Enkhsuvd

3rd grade student T. Temunun

Ch. Sodmagnai, a student of the 4th grade

4b grade student T. Sodbileg

4th grade student Mr. G

5th grade student L. Ulziybayar

5a student E. Dudare

5th grade student N. Baasanyam

5th grade student B. Bat-Undram

6b grade student M. Sodbileg

7th grade student N. Myanganmedmed

8b grade student E. Tergel

9th grade student E. Zolzaya

Students who won bronze medals and I degrees

12th grade student E. Enhjin

3a grade student D. Bolor-Uyanga

G. Onorbayan, 3rd grade student

3a grade student G. Tergel

3b grade student G. Gunjid

3b grade student G. Munkhtulga

3rd grade student Ts. Tselmun

3rd grade student Batn. Temunun

3rd grade student Ts. Khabul

3rd grade student M. Aminaa

4th grade student S. Hangerel

5b grader S. Delgermaa

6th grade student Tu. Togaldir

6th grade student O. Yesen-Erdene

7th grade student B. Khuselbayar

Students who have received II degree diploma

12th grade student U. Tselmoon

11th grade student B. Tuvshinsana

3rd grade student G. Enkhjargal

3rd grade student B. Temunun

3rd grade student D. Tergel

3rd grade student E. Temunun

3rd grade student U. Tselmeg

3rd grade student G. Choidelger

4th grade student A. Engoon

4a student E. Telmoon

S. Amarbat, a student of the 4th grade

4b grader A. Khongorzul

G. Ganbayar, a student of 4b grade

4th grade student O. Uganchimeg

4th grade student B. Dolgoen

5th grade student G. Egshiglen

5th grade student A. Une-Erdene

S. Erhem-Erdene, 5th grade student

5b grade student J. Menungshur

5b grade student D. Maral

5th grade student G. Dashbazar

6th grade student M. Munkhtemun

B. Chingun, a student of the 6th grade

Tsatsral, a student of the 6th grade

7th grade student A. Tergel

7th grade student E. Enkh-Orgil

7th grade student B. Erkh-Od

S. Michel, a student of the 8th grade

G. Anand, a student of grade 8b

8th grade student E. Gandhi

9th grade student U. Khan-Erdene

9th grade student U. Enkhbileg

Students who received the III degree diploma

11th grade student E. Duger

11th grade student U. Ankhbayar

3b grade student P. Tselmoon

3b grade student H. Irmun

3b grade student G. Tenun-Erdene

3b grade student B. Telmoon

3rd grade student Ts. Tselmeg

3rd grade student S. Munkhjin

3rd grade student M. Ölziy

E. Haliun, a student of the 4th grade

4th grade student D. Togsjargal

4a grade student T. Lkhagvadorj

4b grade student B. Dolgoen

4th grade student B. Easy

Ch. Chintushig, 5th grade student

5th grade student A. Amirlan

5th grade student B. Batmandah

5b grade student T. Hangal

S. Anungoo, 5b grade student

B. Khuselmaa, a student of the 5th grade

5b grade student Ts. Emujin

5th grade student O. Khongor

5th grade student B. Sondor

5th grade student M. Bat-Orgil

6th grade student Z. Enkhjin

6b grade student Ts. Engoon

6b grader E. Batzorig

6b grade student E. Erdenesaihan

7th grade student O. Sunderya

B. Michidmaa, a student of the 7th grade

7th grade student B. Sansar

7b grader B. Battushig

7b grade student T. Enhjin

7th grade student O. Amarjargal

7th grade student Ts. Tuvshintor

8th grade student B. Enkhsaran

8th grade student A. Emujin

8th grade student B. Erdembileg

8th grade student E. Tuvshinbat

8b grade student A. Bilguutei

8b grade student G. Odbayar

8th grade student B. Otgonbayar

9th grade student D. Haliun

9th grade student B. Sarnai

9th grade student T. Sumiyadorj

Congratulations to the successful students.

2 Comment(s)

Urangoo Dalantai

.5d Can you see the score of Tovuudorj Haliunaa?

    Urangoo Dalantai

    Code 222360004 Tovuudorj Haliunaa 5d

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