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In the 2022-2023 school year school championship volleyball tournament, our students competed for one day in terms of speed, agility, and technical skills and selected the best. About 300 male and female students of grades VI-XII took part in the competition, which was held in the 1st and 2nd gymnasiums of the school on 12.03.2023, with the aim of improving students' free time, promoting volleyball, improving technical skills, and forming the school's national team. was organized at a high level of organization. I present to you the best. In the middle class category: 8th grade with teacher B. Enkhbolor: "First place", gold medalO. 7th grade with teacher Dashnyam: "Second place", silver medalE. 7th grade with teacher Batjargal: "Shoes place", bronze medal The best player was 7th grade student H. Itgamemegy and the best female player was M. Ulziy, 8th grade student. In the male category of the senior grade: 11b grade with teacher J. Tsagaanchuluun: "First place", gold medalB. 12th grade with Sodnom teacher: "Det place", silver medal. 12b class with teacher R. Ashar: "Gutgaar bair", bronze medal. 11b class student B. Tsesodshirav. Senior class female category: "First place", gold medal. 11b class with teacher N. Altanchimeg. "Second place", silver medal N. Class 10b with teacher Uranbileg: "Gutgaar bair", bronze medal The best female player was B. Student-Od, a student of class 12a. Congratulations and good luck.

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